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The Institutional Structures Of The Forum

Established by Legal Provisions, the Statutes of The World Technology Forum is the Legal Instrument and Regulatory Framework to guide its operations; and it has provided for the internal systems and structures that allows it to operate perfectly in delivering its administrative functions.

Organs of the Forum

1The Forum shall have organs and structures that will be the operational pillars or arms of the organisation and shall include;
(a) The Governing Council, (b) The Secretariat and Central Administration, (c) The General Assembly, (d) The Chief Executive Board, (e) The Authority of Heads of State and Government, (f) The Ministerial Council, (g) Functional Commissions and Operations Bureau, and (h) The Council of Patrons.
2The Secretariat and Central Administration of the Forum
(1) There shall be a Secretariat for the Forum to accommodate its daily operations and activities. (2) The Secretariat shall be the Central Administration of the Forum and will house offices of all administrative officers of the Forum.
3Functions of the Secretariat and Central Administration
The Secretariat or Central Administration shall perform the following functions; (a) shall be headed by the Presiding Governor, it will have housing responsibilities of all administrative activities of the Forum. (b) with support of other heads of administration, the Secretariat and Central Administration shall manage, operate and control all the agencies and subsidiary entities of the Forum; and (c) perform any other function as may be determined by the leadership and authorities for the Forum to achieve its objects.
4Chief Executive Board and its Functions
(1) There shall be a Chief Executive Board chaired by the Presiding Governor and it will be the management committee of the secretariat and central administration. (2) Composition and membership of the Chief Executive Board shall be determined by the Governing Council.
5The General Assembly and its Functions
(1) The General Assembly is the executive deliberation arm of the Forum, which shall compose thought and influential leaders in the fields of science, technology and innovation from all over the world. (2) Members of the General Assembly shall be drawn from recognised institutions and further to that shall be determined by the Governing Council. (3) The function of the General Assembly is to discuss initiatives, and share ideas in the relevant areas where the Forum will operate.
1Ministerial Council and its Functions
The Ministerial Council of the Forum is a body of Ministers of Technology in government who will be the partners of the forum.
2Authority of Heads of State and Government
(1) There shall be an Authority of Heads of State and Government as an organ of strategic importance to the Forum and achievement of its objects and vision. (2) The Authority shall be responsible for bringing together Presidents, Prime Ministers and other Heads of State and Government to contribute towards and support activities of the Forum at the Central Government and Executive levels.
3Functional Commissions and the Operations Bureau and its Functions
(1) The Functional Commissions and Operations Bureau is in charge of all the functional and operational activities of the Forum on field. (2) The above stated organ is responsible for operationalisation of the Forum’s activities and operations outside the Secretariat and Central Administration.
4Council of Patrons and its Functions
(1) As part of organs and operational pillars of the Forum, there shall be a Council of Patrons comprising of influential people who believes and share the objects, vision, goals and aspirations of the Forum; and are interested in their achievement. (2) The Council of Patrons shall compose of individual leaders from different walks of life and influential to help the Forum arrive at its visionary destination.
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